Where Photography is our Art
The Swartland Photography Club is the creative home to many a keen photographer – just starting out as a beginner or an experienced master. Here we interact with like minded lovers of the art. Learn from each other and expand our knowledge and love for photography.
The equipment our members use in practicing the art of photography range from mobile phone cameras to full frame digital SLR cameras of different brands.
Our annual journey includes monthly meetings and photo competitions, learn and share opportunities, occasional day trips for location shoots and participation in the annual Western Cape Inter Club Showcase.
At our monthly club meetings (see Activities page), currently hosted online during Covid 19-restrictions (SA Coronavirus), photographs are judged and scored by an experienced external judge with the appropriate advice on how to improve the image.
The themes for the monthly set subject category is set out at the beginning of every club year. Currently there are four categories for members’ entries.
Apart from the set subject category, there is a more informal category for mobile phone pictures and then the open categories for colour and monochrome (black and white).
The winning image in each of the set subject and mobile phone categories are awarded a special score. The same apply for the winning images entered by a junior and a senior photographer. The judge also awards an overall winning image for the evening.
See Membership page on how to become a member of the Swartland Photography Club.
One of 14 clubs in the beautiful Western Cape of South Africa, we are also affiliated to the Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA).
.The relatively young Swartland Photography Club has hosted 9 national salons under the auspices of the PSSA. These salons were very popular with record entries received. This led to the decision to host our 1st Swartland International Salon in 2020 under FIAP and PSSA patronage.
The results of the latest salon – October 2022 is available here.